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  • Writer's pictureAllison Carone

48 Hour Guide: Guanajuato

Guanajuato is the cutest Mexican town that you've haven't heard about yet! I stumbled upon a photo from a Mexican friend of mine of this tiny, colonial town in the middle of the country and changed my itinerary last minute to include it in my trip. I'm so glad I did, cause it ended up being the most colorful city I've ever seen, and perhaps the most charming as well! I've put together a 48 hour guide from what I learned about this magical city.

Colorful houses in Guanajuato, Mexico

How to get there: Guanajuato is serviced by Del Bajío International Airport (BJX), which is a 30 minute - 1 hour drive from Guanajuato town depending on traffic. This international airport services flights from US cities like Houston, Detroit, and Los Angeles, and also is well-connected by air to Mexican cities across the country. We flew direct from Cancun which only took a short 45 minutes! Uber and/or taxis are both available at the airport, and run about $17 to get to your accommodation in the city center.

Where to stay: Guanajuato is a relatively small town so choosing the perfect location is not a major factor in planning a trip here. Try to base yourself close to La Basilica Guanajuato, a centrally located bright yellow church. Alternatively, we stayed up higher on a small mountain overlooking the city, next to the famous viewpoint (mirador) Pipila. The downside was that every time we wanted to go to town, we had to walk up/down 15 minutes of brutal stairs (I'm still sore a couple days later), but the upside were the simply spectacular views of this beautiful, colorful city below.

Local woman in village of Guanajuato, Mexico

Things to do:

1. WANDER! Guanajuato is one of those cities that is so stinkin' lovely to just get lost, following the different colors of the buildings left and right, to and fro. Every couple blocks lay a new vibrant plaza ready to be discovered, usually full of people, street performers, and those yummy authentic Mexican restaurants that we all love so much. We dedicated a full 2 days to getting lost among the mesmerizing city streets, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed if you do the same.

Colorful streets in Guanajuato, Mexico
The charming streets of Guanajuato 

Colorful yellow church in Guanjuato, Mexico

Local woman in village of Guanajuato, Mexico

Colorful streets of Guanajuato, Mexico

2. Visit La Callejon del Beso (The Alley of the Kiss), a very narrow street/alleyway with a real kicker of a story. It's well known for somewhat of a tragic love affair between a well-to-do Spaniard named Ana and a laborer/miner named Carlos who lived on opposite sides of this tiny little street. Ana's father vehemently opposed their relationship and forbid Ana to kiss Carlos again or he would kill Carlos. They were, of course, in love and continued to kiss, which eventually led Carlos to commit suicide before Ana's father could kill him himself. Legend has it that couples who visit Guanajuato who kiss on the famed step will have 7 years of good luck!

Couple kissing at La Callejon del Beso

3. Another must visit is Guanajuato's very own mummy museum, Museo de Las Momias. I was shocked to learn that this small town in central Mexico was home to over 100 mummies, but it's true, and it's definitely a must-see! Apparently, the super dry air of the Guanajuato region can naturally mummify bodies that have been interred to rest. The particular mummies on display at the museum were believed to have passed from a cholera outbreak in the early 17th century. They're definitely not as old as the mummies I saw in Egypt, but it was still a highly intriguing morning at the museum that I recommend to all visitors who like to see a dose of freaky/dark stuff while traveling.

Mummy fetus in Museum of the Mummies
A bit graphic but this is a pregnant mummy and her fetus mummy!

4. Last but not least, before you leave Guanajuato don't miss the epic viewpoint from the Pipila statue. From central Guanajuato, ascend the stairs - either route yourself with Google Maps to Pipila statue to find them, or ask around for 'las escaleras para subir.' After about 15 a minute climb, and you'll be rewarded with an elevated viewpoint of the entire city in all its colorful glory. It's a great place to grab an ice cream or a journal or a beer and just soak up the incredible views in front of you, full of just about every comprehensible color on the spectrum. It was really hard to rip my eyes away from that view when it was time to leave!

If I were you I'd hurry up and make it to Guanajuato ASAP before it's cuteness puts it at the top of the tourism radar! I hope you enjoyed this 48 hour guide.

View from Pipila Statue in Guanajuato, Mexico

Best instagram photos of Guanajuato Mexico

Best Instagram photos of guanajuato, mexico


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